Enhanced indoor air quality through:

  • Increase in fresh air changes
  • Increase in filter cleaning frequency
  • Change of Air Handling Unit (AHU) filter to Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) 13
  • Integration of UV lights inside AHU

Introduced UV tower for more frequented touchpoints in common areas

Introduced building entry – auto sanitizer and disinfection tray

Complete building sanitization and fumigation of affected areas

Touchless elevator installed for minimizing touchpoints

Screening and monitoring with the usage of Mindspace App

Isolation rooms with paramedic facilities, ambulance services in the premises and tie-ups with hospitals


  • Conducted regular online trainings and webinars
  • Organized online sessions on meditation, well-being and counselling
  • Undertook sanitization, provided PPE and safety kits at all sites
  • Used video communication to demonstrate health and safety Standard Operating Protocol
  • Equipped staff with the necessary technology infrastructure to effectively work from home


  • Implemented strict safety and hygiene protocols at business parks
  • Regular interactions with tenants for understanding their concerns and requirements
  • Established COVID-19 helpdesk at all sites
  • Shared information regularly on government protocols/guidelines
  • Continuous updates on park operations, protocols followed and checking on support required for ‘Back to office’ efforts

Supply chain partners/ Business partners

  • Ensured availability of adequate working capital
  • Held frequent interactions with suppliers to understand their concerns, especially in COVID-19 environment and their requirements
  • Maintained close co-ordination with vendors to ensure supply chain continuity
  • Ensured adequate lodging, medical and sanitation facilities are available for laborers
  • Partnered with our business partners to ensure strict safety norms are followed at construction and upgradation sites


  • Working closely with Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and governments to provide necessary relief measures
  • Entered tie-ups for specific projects related to oxygen concentrations, setting up temporary hospital infrastructure for immediate need of patients


Enabling a safe working environment for our tenants remains our prime focus. We implemented a host of stringent safety and hygiene protocols in our parks to ensure compliance with government norms. We have continuously engaged with our tenants to understand their requirements better and communicate our strategy to ensure business continuity in the wake of the pandemic. Our efforts have been recognized by the internationally renowned British Safety Council with the COVID-19 Assurance Statement issued to six of our assets across five parameters.